Business creation

There are several steps to follow in order to start a business in Luxembourg:
1/ Check the formalities required for your activity
2/ Choose the appropriate legal form for your company
3/ Prepare a business plan
4/ As the case may be, open a bank account and request your blocking certificate
5/ As the case may be, incorpore the company and file other formalities
6/ If required, request your business licence and other certificates for specific activities
7/ Register to VAT and Social Security organisms
We, at B&R Consulting, can guide you through these steps to make your project successful.
The choice must be adpated to the situation of the entrepreneur and fit its needs. The entrepreneur can opt between: self-employment or a commercial company, which could be a capital company (S.A., S.C.A., S.à r.l., S.à r.l.-S…), or a partnership (SCS, SCSp, SC, …).
We, at B&R Consulting, can assist you to assess what is the most appropriate legal form for your project.
It really depends on your activity, development perspectives, risk management, objectives. Each solution has its advantages and drawbacks. In other words, this is a problematic that must be answered through a global approach.
We, at B&R Consulting, can assist you to assess what is the most appropriate legal form for your project.
When an incorporation in front of the notary is needed, the notary cost to enact the deed ranges between EUR 1,000 and EUR 1,200 in most cases. When it is not required (e.g. S.à r.l.-s) the cost can be estimated to EUR 200.
We, at B&R consulting, are used to assist our clients with these administrative requests. We can act as your trustworthy advisor by being your single contact from drafting your articles of incorporation to coordinating the incorporation with the notary and the bank. This way, we guarantee you will save time in your business creation.
Annual accounts
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